You have probably heard of the 8x8 rule > drink 8 of 8 oz. glasses of water per day.
But what is really the optimal way to drink your water? Hot or cold? While there are many known benefits of drinking hot water, you may not be thrilled to choose the warm variety during this time of the year and opt to enjoy a glass of cold water instead.
Many of us are still holed up in our homes today due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While this measure is set in place to help slow down the spread of the virus, this situation has also brought in uncertainties on how we can establish a sense of normalcy while keeping our families safe.
As our communities are now in the process of gradually reopening, we still have to face the reality that COVID-19 will not go anywhere. With this, it’s important not to let our guard down and to carry on with precautionary habits to help prevent the spread of the virus.
Here are some of the habits that you and your family need to keep as we adapt to the “new normal”.
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